zeker, maar ik heb geen trojans binnengekregen hoor.
maarja, zoals je al zegt, ieder zijn eigen keus.
Ik weet nog een manier, zo kan je ze zelfs editen:
Okay guys. I did some digging and found out that this I-Doser program is really just a poor ripoff of another (OPEN SOURCE!) program called SBAgen. I-Doser is a poorly coded vb6 app done in some kid's spare time.
SBAgen itself has no GUI, which is no fun, but at least you don't have to deal with the terrible interface of this joke of a program called I-Doser. The default datafile is .sbg
The ".drg" Datafiles are really Base64 + RC4 encoded files, which ammount to only a few bytes when decoded.
Therefore, I have taken it upon me to systematically rip and save (and remove duplicates) all of these mysterious .drg files into .sbg files which can be opened freely with SBAgen.
And as for the equivalence with drugs, no. I still cant believe what idiot would fall for this shit. They could very likely have psychological effects, look up http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binaural_beats, but to say that these wave patterns have the same effect as these substances is ludicrous.
Experiment. Comment. Evaluate. Have fun.
Oh and by the way, check out www.bwgen.com. It's a much better program with support for many more user-made presets (commercial though).
volgende week heb ik de andere ontbrekende doses, zoals masochist waarschijnlijk
probeer deze links, speciaal voor sander (ofzo) verkleind:
andere bin. beat:
wikimeia test
schijnt dat je er een adrenaline boost van krijgt en focusende en unfocusende ogen.
[Laatst bewerkt door Tadnecty op donderdag 29 maart 2007, om 15:54]