Praat je nu tegen een PC of echt iemand?
Ik ging aan hem vragen of hij echt was
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: wotcha
You: Hi
You: Your a Pedo?
You: o.O
Stranger: your bad at spelling and grammer
You: Can you rickrole?
Stranger: i can swiss roll
You: Yeah, well i'm not an english person or something.
You: What's swiss roll?
Stranger: ice cream and stuff
Stranger: rolled up
You: Lol
You: Butta
You: Tell something about yourself
Stranger: i am quite tall
Stranger: where are you from?
You: The Netherlands
You: Also called "Holland"
Stranger: i once knew a girl from holland who had learnt english from watching eastenders
Stranger: she had a really strong london accent
Stranger: it was weird
You: Lol xD
You: Where are you from then?
Stranger: england
You: Ah oke
You: And
You: This Omegle, am i talking to a reallife person?
Stranger: is it true that when they bring in the smoking ban in holland you'll only be allowed to smoke pure joints in coffee shops?
Stranger: yes i am real!
Stranger: i think
Stranger: let me check
You: Ok lol
Stranger: i seem to be real
You: Good :"
You: Well
You: I'm going, nice to meet you
Stranger: you too
Stranger: bye
You: bb
[Laatst bewerkt door Bart op maandag 6 april 2009, om 13:39]