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Air traffic in Dusseldorf abandoned due to heavy snowfall!
Due to ongoing snowfall air traffic in Dusseldorf has been currently abandoned.
Since 9.15 a.m. it is not possible for planes to take off or land at the airport. As the weather service announced further snowfall, it has to be reckoned with further interferences in the course of the day.
Affected are about 100 inbound planes since the discontinuance of the air traffic. They have been rerouted to different airports. Additionally, 100 departures have been cancelled - further departures, that were supposed to start from Dusseldorf, have been postponed for the time being.
Passengers have been asked to refer to their tour operator or their airline for further information. Information about the rerouting or the cancellations are available via the hotline of the airport (0049 211 421 0) as well as via videotext of WDR television (pages 560 (arrival) and 561 (departure).
Maar eens even de touroperator bellen in dit geval...